Charles Goldie

New Zealand artist, 1870-1947
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Charles Goldie oil paintings
A centenarian Aperahama aged
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51702
A high-born lady
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51703
Anaha Te Rahui
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51704
Competition time study 5 and a half days
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51705
Day dreams Christmas time in Maoriland
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51706
Fire and Smoke
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51707
Forty winks
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51708
Hinemoa the belle of the Kainga
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51709
Joan of Arc Paris
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51710
Memories of a heroine Hera Puna
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51711
Peeping Patara
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51712
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51714
Reverie Pipi Haerehuka
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51715
Sleep tis a gentle thing
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51716
Study of a still life
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51717
Tamati Waaka Nene
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51719
The Christ Child in the Temple
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51720
The heir apparent
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51721
The senator
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51722
The wdow
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51723
The whitening snows of venerable eld
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51724
Thoughts of a Tohunga Wharekauri Tahuna
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51725
Thoughts of a Tohunga Wharekauri Tahuna II
Charles Goldie
Item ID:51726
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Artist photo
Charles Frederick Goldie, OBE (1870-1947) was a well-known New Zealand artist, famous for his portrayal of Maori dignitaries. Charles Frederick Goldie was born in Auckland on 20 October 1870. He was named after his maternal grandfather, Charles Frederick Partington, who built the landmark Auckland windmill. His father, David Goldie, was a prominent timber merchant and politician, and a strict Primitive Methodist who resigned as Mayor of Auckland rather than toast the visiting Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York with alcohol. His mother, Maria Partington, was an amateur artist and encouraged his artistic ability. Goldie was educated at Auckland Grammar School, and while still at school won several prizes from the Auckland Society of Arts and the New Zealand Art Students' Association. Goldie studied art part-time under Louis John Steele, after leaving school to work in his father's business. Sir George Grey was impressed by two of Goldie's still-life paintings that were being exhibited at the Auckland Academy of Art (Steele's art society, of which Goldie was honorary secretary) in 1891, and he talked David Goldie into permitting his son to undertake further art training abroad.
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