Domenico Beccafumi

Italian Renaissance-Mannerist painter, 1486-1551
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Domenico Beccafumi oil paintings
Graphic The Holy Family with Young Saint John
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:21711
Birth of the Virgin
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50334
Fall of the Rebellious Angels
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50335
Moses and the Golden Calf
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50337
St Lucy
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50338
St Paul
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50339
Stigmatization of St Catherine of Siena
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50340
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50341
The Annunciation
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50342
Domenico Beccafumi
Item ID:50343
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Domenico di Pace Beccafumi (1486 - May 18, 1551) was an Italian Renaissance-Mannerist painter active predominantly in Siena. He is considered one of the last undiluted representatives of the Sienese school of painting.

Domenico was born in Montaperti, near Siena, the son of Giacomo di Pace, a peasant who worked on the estate of Lorenzo Beccafumi. Seeing his talent for drawing, Lorenzo adopted him, and commended him to learn painting from Mechero, a lesser Sienese artist. In 1509 he traveled to Rome, but soon returned to Siena, and while the Roman forays of two Sienese artists of roughly his generation (Il Sodoma and Peruzzi) had imbued them with elements of the Umbrian-Florentine Classical style, Beccafumi's style remains, in striking ways, provincial. In Siena, he painted religious pieces for churches and of mythological decorations for private patrons, only mildly influenced by the gestured Mannerist trends dominating the neighboring Florentine school. There are medieval eccentricities, sometimes phantasmagoric, superfluous emotional detail and a misty non-linear, often jagged quality to his drawings, with primal tonality to his coloration that separates him from the classic Roman masters.

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