Donato Creti

Italian painter, 1671-1749
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Donato Creti oil paintings
Achilles Handing over to Chiron
Donato Creti
Item ID:52233
Mercury and Paris
Donato Creti
Item ID:52234
The Charity
Donato Creti
Item ID:52235
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Donato Creti (1671-1749) was an Italian painter of the Rococo period, active mostly in Bologna. Born in Cremona, he moved to Bologna, where he was a pupil of Lorenzo Pasinelli. He is described by Wittkower as the "Bolognese Marco Benefial", in that his style was less decorative and edged into a more formal neoclassical style. It is an academicized grand style, that crystallizes into a manneristic neoclassicism, with crisp and frigid modeling of the figures. Among his followers were Aureliano Milani, Francesco Monti, and Ercole Graziani the Younger. Two other pupils were Domenico Maria Fratta and Giuseppe Peroni.
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