Duccio Di Buoninsegna

Italian, 1255-1318
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Duccio Di Buoninsegna oil paintings
Temptation on the Mount
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21215
Wedding at Cana
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21216
Entry Into Jerusalem, detail
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21217
The Last Supper
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21218
Crown of Thorns
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21219
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21220
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21221
Burial of Christ
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21222
Coronation of the Virgin
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21223
Parting from St. John
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21224
The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21226
The Holy Women at the Sepulchre
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21227
The Transfiguration
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21228
Madonna and Child
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21229
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21230
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21231
Slaughter of the Innocents
Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Item ID:21232
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Duccio di Buoninsegna (c. 1255-1260 - c. 1318-1319) was an Italian artist, active in the city of Siena in Tuscany, where he was born, in the late 13th and early fourteenth centuries.

Much about his early life and family is uncertain; but there are records that say he was married with seven children. Although there is a lot still unconfirmed about Duccio and his life, there is more documentation of him than of other Italian painters of his time and earlier. A large part his life must be reconstructed from the evidence of works that can be attributed to him with certainty, and from the evidence contained in his stylistic development.

There are many times that he had debts and fines, leading historians to believe that he had a difficult time managing his life and his money. His artistic talents were enough to overshadow his lack of organization as a citizen, and he became famous in his own lifetime. In the 1300s Duccio became one of the most favored and radical painters in Siena. He is considered to be the father of Sienese painting and along with a few others the founder of Western art. He was hired throughout his life to complete many important works in government and religious buildings around Italy. Duccio is credited with creating the painting style of Trecento and the Sienese school, and contributed significantly to the Sienese Gothic style.

Duccio began to break down the sharp lines of Byzantine art, and soften the figures. He used modeling (playing with light and dark colors) to reveal the figures underneath the heavy drapery; hands, faces, and feet became more rounded and three-dimensional.

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