Georges Braque

French painter, 1882-1963
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Georges Braque oil paintings
Still Life with Le Jour
Georges Braque
Item ID:38437
Georges Braque abstract painting
Georges Braque
Item ID:38438
Landscape at La Ciotat
Georges Braque
Item ID:38439
Houses at Estaque
Georges Braque
Item ID:38440
Violin and pitcher
Georges Braque
Item ID:38441
The Portuguese
Georges Braque
Item ID:38442
The Red Pedestal Table
Georges Braque
Item ID:38443
The Bottle of Rum
Georges Braque
Item ID:38444
Gran desnudo
Georges Braque
Item ID:38445
Still life with harp and violin
Georges Braque
Item ID:38446
Aria de Bach
Georges Braque
Item ID:38447
Still life with red tablecloth
Georges Braque
Item ID:38448
El parque de CarriEres Saint-Denis
Georges Braque
Item ID:38449
Fishing Boats
Georges Braque
Item ID:38450
The Studio
Georges Braque
Item ID:38451
Georges Braque paintings
Georges Braque
Item ID:38452
Fishing Boats II
Georges Braque
Item ID:38453
Georges Braque
Item ID:38454
Grandmother's Friend
Georges Braque
Item ID:38455
Blue Aquarium
Georges Braque
Item ID:38456
Harbor in Normandy
Georges Braque
Item ID:38457
Woman with a Mandolin
Georges Braque
Item ID:38458
Atelier IX
Georges Braque
Item ID:38459
The Portuguese II
Georges Braque
Item ID:38460
Bodegon del clarinete
Georges Braque
Item ID:38461
My Bicycle
Georges Braque
Item ID:38462
Le Sacre Coeur
Georges Braque
Item ID:38463
Landscape at La Ciotat II
Georges Braque
Item ID:38464
Georges Braque
Item ID:38465
Man with a Guitar
Georges Braque
Item ID:38466
Paisaje de L'Estaque
Georges Braque
Item ID:38467
The boat of the flag
Georges Braque
Item ID:38468
The Bicycle
Georges Braque
Item ID:38469
Bottle, Newspaper, Pipe, and Glass
Georges Braque
Item ID:38470
Terrace of Hotel Mistral at Estaque
Georges Braque
Item ID:38471
Bird and it's nest
Georges Braque
Item ID:38472
The Port of Antwerp: the Mast
Georges Braque
Item ID:38473
The Patience
Georges Braque
Item ID:38474
El hombre de la guitarra
Georges Braque
Item ID:38475
Atelier II
Georges Braque
Item ID:38476
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Artist photo
Georges Braque (13 May 1882 - 31 August 1963) was a major 20th century French painter and sculptor who, along with Pablo Picasso, developed the art movement known as Cubism. Georges Braque was born in Argenteuil, Val-d'Oise. He grew up in Le Havre and trained to be a house painter and decorator like his father and grandfather. However, he also studied serious painting in the evenings at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, in Le Havre, from about 1897 to 1899. In Paris, he apprenticed with a decorator and was awarded his certificate in 1902. The following year, he attended the Academie Humbert, also in Paris, and painted there until 1904. It was here that he met Marie Laurencin and Francis Picabia.
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