Giovanni Battista Crespi

Italian painter, 1573-1632
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Giovanni Battista Crespi oil paintings
Christ Appears to the Apostles Peter and Paul
Giovanni Battista Crespi
Item ID:52225
Entombment of Christ
Giovanni Battista Crespi
Item ID:52226
St Charles Borromeo Erecting Crosses a the Gates of Milan
Giovanni Battista Crespi
Item ID:52227
St Gregory Delivers the Soul of a Monk
Giovanni Battista Crespi
Item ID:52228
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Giovanni Battista Crespi (December 23, 1573 - October 23, 1632), called Il Cerano, was an Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, He was born in Romagnano Sesia, the son of a painter, Raffaele Crespi, and moved to Cerano with his family some years later. In 1591 he is known to have been living in Milan. He was a scholar of considerable attainments, and held a position of dignity in Cerano. In 1620 he was appointed head of the Accademia Ambrosiana founded by Cardinal Federico Borromeo. Among his pupils were Daniele Crespi, Carlo Francesco Nuvolone, and Melchiore Gillardini (died 1675).
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