James Carroll Beckwith

American landscape, portrait and genre painter, 1852-1917
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James Carroll Beckwith oil paintings
Graphic An American Queen
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:21708
Brunette Combing Her Hair
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23389
Allee de l'Ete, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23390
Arcade of the Grand Trianon, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23391
Bassin de Neptune, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23392
Carrefour at the End of the Tapis Vert, Versailles
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23393
Nymph and Cupid
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23394
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23395
Cathedral at le Puy
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23396
Jardin de la Fontaine Aa Nimes, France
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23397
The Palace of the Popes and Pont d'Avignon
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23398
In the Gardens of the Villa Palmieri
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23399
Mother and Child
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23400
New Hamburg Garden
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23401
The Letter
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23402
The Blacksmith
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23403
Lost in Thought
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23404
Portrait of Evelyn Nesbitt
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23405
Sylvan Toilette
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23406
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23407
Normandy Girl
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23408
Under the Lilacs
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23409
A Study with Sunlight
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23410
A Wistful Look
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23411
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23412
One of the Figures at the Parterre d'Eau
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23413
Woman with Guitar
James Carroll Beckwith
Item ID:23414
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James Carroll Beckwith (September 23, 1852 - October 24, 1917) was an American landscape, portrait and genre painter whose Impressionist style led to his recognition in the late nineteenth century as a prominent figure in American art.

Carroll Beckwith, as he preferred to be known, was born in Hannibal, Missouri on September 23, 1852, the son of N. M. Beckwith, who was United States Commissioner-General at the Paris Exposition of 1867. However, he grew up in Chicago where his father started a wholesale grocery business. In 1868 aged 16 he studied art at the Chicago Academy of Design under Walter Shirlaw until the great fire of 1871 destroyed eveything (including much of the heart of the city). He then went to New York and studied at the National Academy of Design (of which he afterwards became a member) in New York City under Lemuel Wilmarth and later traveled on to Paris, staying there from November 1873 until 1878.

James Carroll Beckwith died of a heart attack in his apartment at the Hotel Schuyler on West Forty-fifth Street in New York City on October 24, 1917 aged sixty-six after having taken a taxi cab ride with his wife in Central Park.

His papers, including his sketchbooks and the diaries he kept from 1871 until his death in 1917 are held by the National Academy of Design in New York City.

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