Tom Roberts

Australian artist, 1856-1931
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Tom Roberts oil paintings
A Break Away
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47477
A quiet day on Darebin Creek
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47478
A Summer Morning Tiff
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47479
Bourke Street, Allegro Con Brio
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47480
Opening of the first parliament
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47481
Shearing the Rams
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47482
Slumbering Sea, Mentone
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47483
The Sculptor's Studio
Tom Roberts
Item ID:47484
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Tom Roberts [ Thomas William Roberts (9 March 1856 - 14 September 1931)], usually known simply as Tom, was a prominent Australian artist and a key member of the Heidelberg School. Born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, where his parents were newspaper editors, Roberts emigrated with his family to Australia in 1869. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, he worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. He returned to England for three years of full-time art study at the Royal Academy Schools from 1881 to 1884.
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