Edmund Charles Tarbell

American Impressionist painter, 1862-1938
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Edmund Charles Tarbell oil paintings
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48561
Girl Crocheting
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48562
In the Orchard
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48563
In a garden
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48564
Josephine Knitting
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48565
Mother and Child in a Boat
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48566
Mother and Mary
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48567
Portrait of a Woman in White
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48568
Portrait of Eleanor Hyde Phillips
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48569
Preparing for the Matinee
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48570
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48571
Schooling the Horses
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48572
Tarbell Edmund Josephine Knitting
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48573
The Bath
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48574
The Sisters
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48575
Thoroughbred with Jockey Up
Edmund Charles Tarbell
Item ID:48576
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Edmund Charles Tarbell (April 26, 1862 - August 1, 1938) was an American Impressionist painter. He was a member of the Ten American Painters. His work is held by the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Corcoran Gallery and the National Academy of Design, among others.
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