Geertgen Tot Sint Jans

Dutch painter, 1465-1495
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Geertgen Tot Sint Jans oil paintings
Adoration of the Kings
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38106
Adoration of the Magi
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38107
John the Baptist in the Wilderness
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38108
Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38109
Nativity, at Night
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38110
The Bones of St. John the Baptist
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38111
The Holy Kinship
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38112
The Raising of Lazarus
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38113
Vir Dolorum
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38114
Virgin and Child
Geertgen Tot Sint Jans
Item ID:38115
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Geertgen tot Sint Jans (c. 1465 - c. 1495), also known as Geertgen van Haarlem, Gerrit van Haarlem, Gerrit Gerritsz, Gheertgen, Geerrit, Gheerrit, or any other diminutive form of Gerald, was an Early Netherlandish painter from the northern Low Countries in the Holy Roman Empire. No contemporary documentation for his life has been traced, and the earliest published account of his life and work is from 1604, in Karel van Mander's Schilder-boeck. According to van Mander, Geertgen was probably a pupil of Albert van Ouwater, who was one of the first oil painters in the northern Low Countries. Both painters lived in the city of Haarlem, where Geertgen was attached to the house of the Knights of Saint John, perhaps as a lay brother, for whom he painted an altarpiece. In van Mander's book he states that Geertgen took the name of St. John without joining the order, thus his last name "tot Sint Jans" was derived from the order's name and means "unto Saint John".
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