George Romney

English Painter, 1734-1802
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George Romney oil paintings
Jane Maxwell Duchess Of Gordon
George Romney
Item ID:38391
Lady In A Brown Robe
George Romney
Item ID:38392
Miss Constable
George Romney
Item ID:38393
Portrait Of Charlotte Bosanquet
George Romney
Item ID:38394
Portrait Of Emma Hamilton
George Romney
Item ID:38395
Portrait Of Frederick
George Romney
Item ID:38396
Portrait Of Harriet Gale
George Romney
Item ID:38397
Portrait Of Sir Benjamin Truman
George Romney
Item ID:38398
Reclining Female Nude
George Romney
Item ID:38400
Serena In Contemplation
George Romney
Item ID:38401
The leigh Family
George Romney
Item ID:38402
Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante
George Romney
Item ID:38403
Portrait de l'artiste
George Romney
Item ID:38404
Portrait of Miss Willoughby
George Romney
Item ID:38405
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George Romney (26 December 1734 - 15 November 1802) was a noted English portrait painter. George Romney was born in Beckside in Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire (now part of Cumbria) and after attending school at Dendron at age eleven was apprenticed to his father as a cabinet-maker. In 1755, he went to Kendal to learn painting from the Cumberland artist, Christopher Steele.
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