Sunlight and Shadow
by William Merritt Chase
Sunny Afternoon Shinnecock Hills
Sunny Spain
Surprise aka Alice Gerson
Terrace at the Mall
Terrace Prospect Park
The Antiquary Shop
The Apprentice aka Boy Smoking
The Bayberry Bush aka Chase Homestead Shinnecock
The Big Brass Bowl
The Big Oleander
The Birthday Party aka Helen Velasquez Chase
The Black Kimono
The Cloisters
The Common Central Park
The Consultation
The East River
Fairy Tale aka A Summer Day
The Golden Lady
The Inner Studio Tenth Street
The Japanese Book
The Japanese Doll
The King's Jester
The Lake for Miniature Yachts aka Central Park
The Mirror
The Model
The Moorish Warrior
The Nursery
The Old Book
The Olive Grove
The Open Air Breakfast aka The Backyard Breakfast Out of Doors
The Park aka In Tompkins Park
The Pet Canary
The Potato Patch aka Garden Shinnecock
The Red Gown
The Red Roofs of Haarlem aka A Street in Holland
The Red Sash
The Song
The Tamborine Girl
The White Rose aka Miss Jessup