Spring at Eragny
by Camille Pissarro
Spring at Pontoise
Springtime in Louveciennes
Steamboats in the Port of Rouen
Street, Snow Effect
Street, Winter Sunlight and Snow
Street in the Snow, Louveciennes
Strong Winds, Pontoise
Sunlight on the Road, Pontoise II
Sunlight, Afternoon, La Rue de l'Epicerie, Rouen
Sunrise, Rouen
Sunset at Eragny
Sunset at Eragny II
Sunset at Valhermeil, near Pontoise
Sunset with Fog, Eragny
Sunset, Bazincourt Steeple
Sunset, Rouen
Sunset, the Port of Rouen
Thaw, Pontoise
The Avenue, Sydenham
The Backwoods of l'Hermitage, Pontoise
The Banks of Marne in Winter
The Banks of the Epte at Eragny
The Banks of the Marne at Chennevieres
The Banks of the Marne
The Banks of the Oise, Pontoise
The Banks of the Seine at Bougival
The Banks of the Seine in Paris, Pont Marie, Quai d'Anjou
The Barn, Morning, Eragny
The Bassin des Tuileries, Afternoon, Sun
The Bassin des Tuileries
The Baths of Samaritaine, Afternoon
The Bazincourt Steeple
The Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Damp Weather
The Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Fog
The Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Rain Effect
The Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Sunset
The Boieldieu Bridge, Rouen, Sunset, Misty Weather