Gilbert Charles Stuart

American , 1755-1828
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Gilbert Charles Stuart oil paintings
The Skater
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29883
The Duke of Leinster
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29884
Miss Dick and her Cousin Miss Forster
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29885
Chief Justice John Jay
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29886
Portrait of George Washington
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29887
Matilda Stoughton de Jaudenes y Nebot
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29888
Martha Washington
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29889
George Washington
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29890
James Heath
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29891
George Washington II
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29892
Abigail Adams
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29893
Mrs Richard Yates
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29894
John Adams
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29895
Dolley Madison
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29896
Thomas Jefferson
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29897
James Madison
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29898
Washington at Dorchester Heights
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29899
James Monroe
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29900
Elizabeth Tuckerman Salisbury
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29901
John Adams II
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29902
Don Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29903
Portrait of John Singleton Copley
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29904
Man in a Green Coat
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29905
Henrietta Elizabeth Frederica Vane
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29906
Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29907
Joseph Brandt
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29908
The Percy Children
Gilbert Charles Stuart
Item ID:29909
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Artist photo
Gilbert Charles Stuart was an American portrait painter, born in North Kingston, Rhode Island. He grew up in Newport, R.I., where he studied painting before going to London in 1775. There he became the pupil of the expatriate American painter Benjamin West and was much influenced by the work of the English portrait painters Thomas Gainsborough and Sir Joshua Reynolds. In 1792, after establishing himself as a fashionable portrait painter in London and Dublin, Stuart returned to the U.S. His portraits, which number nearly 1000, brought him lasting fame, particularly the three he did of George Washington. His two most familiar portraits of Washington, of which he made over 100 copies, are the so-called Vaughan half-length type (1795, Metropolitan Museum, New York City) and the so-called ?Athenaeum? portrayal (unfinished; 1796, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston). Stuart also did portraits of Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison and of the British kings George III and George IV.
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