James Abbottb McNeill Whistler

American-born British-based, 1834 - 1903
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James Abbottb McNeill Whistler oil paintings
Annabel Lee
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31279
Arrangement in White and Black
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31280
At the Piano
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31281
Chelsea Wharf
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31282
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31283
Comte Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31284
La Jolie Mutine
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31285
La Princesse du Pays de la Porcelaine
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31286
Miss Cicely Alexander
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31287
Moreby Hall
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31288
Old Battersea Bridge
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31289
Portrait of Leyland
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31290
Portrait of Lady Archibald Campbell
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31291
Portrait of Miss Rosa Corder
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31292
Portrait of Mrs Whibley
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31293
Portrait of the Painter's Mother
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31294
Portrait of Thomas Carlyle
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31295
Portrait of Whistler with Hat
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31296
Red and Black
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31297
Symphony in Blue and Pink
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31298
Symphony in White
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31299
The Andalusian
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31300
The Beach at Selsey Bill
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31301
The Coast of Brittany
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31302
The Falling Rocket
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31303
The Fur Jacket
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31304
The Gold Girl Connie Gilchrist
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31305
The Gold Scab
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31306
The Lange Leizen of The Six Marks
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31307
The Last of old Westminster
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31308
The Little Rose of Lyme Regis
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31309
The Little White Girl
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31310
The Morning after the Revolution-Valparaiso
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31311
The Music Room
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31312
The Novelette
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31313
The Ocean
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31314
The Staircase
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31315
The Sweet-Shop
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31316
The White Girl
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31317
Three Girls
James Abbottb McNeill Whistler
Item ID:31318
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Artist photo
James Abbott McNeill Whistler (July 11, 1834 – July 17, 1903) was an American-born, British-based artist. Averse to sentimentality and moral allusion in painting, he was a leading proponent of the credo "art for art's sake". His famous signature for his paintings was in the shape of a stylized butterfly possessing a long stinger for a tail. The symbol was apt, for it combined both aspects of his personality—his art was characterized by a subtle delicacy, while his public persona was combative. Finding a parallel between painting and music, Whistler titled many of his paintings "arrangements", "harmonies", and "nocturnes", emphasizing the primacy of tonal harmony. His most famous painting is the iconic Whistler's Mother, the revered and oft parodied portrait of motherhood. A wit, dandy, and shameless self-promoter, Whistler influenced the art world and the broader culture of his time with his artistic theories and his friendships with leading artists and writers.
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Complete list of James Abbottb McNeill Whistler's oil paintings

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