Fra Angelico

Italian, 1387-1455
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Fra Angelico oil paintings
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20912
The Annunciation
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20913
The Naming of St. John the Baptist
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20914
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20915
Adoration of the Magi
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20916
The Annunciation, detail
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20917
Burial of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20920
Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20921
The Coronation of the Virgin
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20922
Noli Me Tangere
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20923
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20924
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20926
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20927
Annalena Altarpiece
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20928
Christ in Majesty
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20929
The Ordination of Saint Lawrence
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20930
Saint Lawrence Distributing Alms
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20931
Coronation of the Virgin
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20934
Massacre of the Innocents
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20935
Communion of the Apostles
Fra Angelico
Item ID:20936
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Fra Angelico (born Guido di Pietro, c. 1387 - February 18, 1455) was an Early Italian Renaissance painter described by Vasari in his Lives of the Artists as having "a rare and perfect talent".

He was known to contemporaries as Fra Giovanni da Fiesole (Brother John of Fiesole) and Fra Giovanni Angelico (Angelic Brother John). In modern Italian he is called il Beato Angelico (Blessed Angelic One); the common English name Fra Angelico means the "Angelic friar".

In 1982 Pope John Paul II proclaimed his beatification, in recognition of the holiness of his life, thereby making the title of "Blessed" official. Fiesole is sometimes misinterpreted as being part of his formal name, but it was merely the name of the town where he took his vows as a Dominican friar, and was used by contemporaries to separate him from other Fra Giovannis. He is listed in the Roman Martyrology as Beatus Ioannes Faesulanus, cognomento Angelicus—"Blessed Giovanni of Fiesole, known as 'the Angelic' ".

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